Aaron Friesz | ca4e2893dd0 | added doi for article.added citation information | | |
Luke Zachmann | 1f32c5d930b | initial commit of greenwave model calling scripts, still need to fix paths and possibly add Dockerfile to metadata? | | |
Katharyn Duffy | a494cc3df00 | Readme for review | | |
Katharyn Duffy | b0617977ca5 | Formatting readme | | |
Katharyn Duffy | c1ae6dc75d1 | Revising formatting of readme | | |
Katharyn Duffy | 9cc12a15d9a | Working on supp read_me | | |
Katharyn Duffy | d000a3456f1 | For software developers to review | | |
Katharyn Duffy | 981ba9a5553 | Revisions on notebook | | |
Katharyn Duffy | 6c1cbfb0cb4 | All plots up | | |
Katharyn Duffy | d5f6489bb41 | MODIS plots | | |
Katharyn Duffy | ebea6a44906 | New MODIS request, cleaning up phenocam data | | |
Katharyn Duffy | f68cca28dacM | Merge branch 'master' of https://git.earthdata.nasa.gov/scm/apis/pheno-synthesis-software-suite | | |
Katharyn Duffy | 80329fc18c0 | Preping for climate push to figure notebook | | |
tonychang | 89038cdbcf1 | dacqre figures from notebook | | |
Katharyn Duffy | f761a6c5beb | renamming folders | | |
Katharyn Duffy | ebef3bfb0b3 | building pdfs for supp attachment | | |
Katharyn Duffy | 7584e59795a | Updating git ignore | | |
Katharyn Duffy | a8bd80522d0 | First piush of supp file structure | | |
Katharyn Duffy | 6f466d5f014 | Adding git ignore before push | | |
Aaron Friesz | bbf6d93dfe7 | Add descrition to README and added place holder directory for PS3 materials | | |
Aaron Friesz | 6d46db1c964 | Initial commit with README.md file | | |