AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Matthew CrouchMatthew CrouchMatthew Crouch
2138cbf4c31EDSC-3673: Adds eslint job to github actionsEDSC-3673
436cd9e0fc9MMerge pull request #8 from nasa/EDSC-3590EDSC-3590: Update Github Actions workflows to use codecov/codecov-act…EDSC-3590
838c7def583EDSC-3590: Update Github Actions workflows to use codecov/codecov-action@v3EDSC-3590
Matthew CrouchMatthew CrouchMatthew Crouch
5de7305ba55EDSC-3477: Bump NPM package versionEDSC-3477
Matthew CrouchMatthew CrouchMatthew Crouch
c2cb187b7a7EDSC-3477: Updates npm and node versionsEDSC-3477
Matthew CrouchMatthew CrouchMatthew Crouch
6583c1fea5aEDSC-3445: Updates npmignore fileEDSC-3445
Matthew CrouchMatthew CrouchMatthew Crouch
44af60c58a6EDSC-3434: Adds snyk to projectEDSC-3434
Matthew CrouchMatthew CrouchMatthew Crouch
b2087cb7123EDSC-3448: Removes project and patch codecov checksEDSC-3448
Matthew CrouchMatthew CrouchMatthew Crouch
26f22f16386EDSC-3448: Bump npm versionEDSC-3448
Matthew CrouchMatthew CrouchMatthew Crouch
d080b94b8fcEDSC:3448: Fixes bug in dividePolygon
Matthew CrouchMatthew CrouchMatthew Crouch
977678738c4EDSC-3445: Fixes deploy step in ActionsEDSC-3445
Matthew CrouchMatthew CrouchMatthew Crouch
300427bd796EDSC-3445: Fixes badge, removes unnecessary configEDSC-3445
Matthew CrouchMatthew CrouchMatthew Crouch
016bc6f3db2EDSC-3445: Remove commented out codeEDSC-3445
Matthew CrouchMatthew CrouchMatthew Crouch
289c7c2ec18EDSC-3445: Add badges to readmeEDSC-3445
Matthew CrouchMatthew CrouchMatthew Crouch
6fad146cfadEDSC-3445: Pulls geo utils code out of Earthdata SearchEDSC-3445
jason duleyjason duley
dd3653ec6a4Initial commit