
Jyna Maeng authored 95af94a958a Merge
Pull request #130: CMR-10173: Update UMM-C for Web Unitification round 2

Merge in EMFD/unified-metadata-model from CMR-10173-2 to master * commit 'e17f43612f707483dac01d178863dd4b354178ed': update comment update versions in schema update changelog details update docs and sample file update changelog changes for associateddoi and collectionprogress copy 1.18.1 as 1.18.2 for future changes comparison
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1 +{
2 + "ShortName": "ecse-1474",
3 + "Version": "v01",
4 + "EntryTitle": "ECSE-1474 - UMM 1.18.2",
5 + "Abstract": "adding fields to support CMR Landing Pages",
6 + "DOI": {
7 + "DOI": "10.5067/fake.record.01",
8 +
9 +
10 + "PreviousVersion": {
11 + "Version": "3.1459",
12 + "Description": "ECSE-1474 addition",
13 + "DOI": "10.5067/fake.record.04",
14 + "Published": "2024-02-22T12:00:00Z"
15 + }
16 +
17 +
18 + },
19 + "DataCenters": [
20 + {
21 + "ShortName": "AcmeData",
22 + "Roles": ["ARCHIVER"]
23 + }
24 + ],
25 + "ProcessingLevel": {"Id": "Not Provided"},
26 + "ScienceKeywords": [
27 + {
28 + "Category":"EARTH SCIENCE",
29 + "Topic":"BIOSPHERE",
31 + }
32 + ],
33 + "TemporalExtents": [{
34 + "EndsAtPresentFlag" : false,
35 + "RangeDateTimes" : [ {
36 + "BeginningDateTime" : "2001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
37 + "EndingDateTime" : "2001-06-01T00:00:00.000Z"
38 + } ]
39 + },
40 + {
41 + "PrecisionOfSeconds" : 1,
42 + "EndsAtPresentFlag": false,
43 + "SingleDateTimes": ["2024-02-14T01:02:03Z"],
44 +
45 +
46 + "TemporalResolution": {"Value": 42, "Unit": "Minute"}
47 + },
48 + {
49 + "EndsAtPresentFlag": true,
50 + "SingleDateTimes": ["2024-02-14T01:02:04Z"],
51 +
52 +
53 + "TemporalResolution": {"Value": 43, "Unit": "Minute"}
54 + }
55 + ],
56 + "SpatialExtent": {
57 +
58 +
59 + "SpatialCoverageType": "LUNAR",
60 +
61 +
62 + "GranuleSpatialRepresentation": "NO_SPATIAL"
63 + },
64 + "Platforms": [{"ShortName": "iphone"}],
65 + "CollectionProgress": "INREVIEW",
66 + "MetadataSpecification": {
67 + "URL": "",
68 + "Name": "UMM-C",
69 + "Version": "1.18.2"},
70 + "ArchiveAndDistributionInformation" : {
71 + "FileArchiveInformation" : [ {
72 + "Format" : "Binary",
73 + "FormatType" : "Native",
74 + "FormatDescription" : "Use the something app to open the binary file.",
75 + "AverageFileSize" : 1,
76 + "AverageFileSizeUnit" : "MB",
77 + "TotalCollectionFileSize" : 1095,
78 + "TotalCollectionFileSizeUnit" : "MB",
79 + "Description" : "These files are very difficult to use. If you want to use the binary data then contact us. These files are archived in CUMULUS."
80 + }, {
81 + "Format" : "netCDF-4",
82 + "FormatType" : "Supported",
83 + "FormatDescription" : "An acsii file also exists.",
84 + "AverageFileSize" : 1,
85 + "AverageFileSizeUnit" : "MB",
86 + "TotalCollectionFileSize" : 365,
87 + "TotalCollectionFileSizeUnit" : "MB",
88 + "Description" : "These files are archived in CUMULUS."
89 + } ],
90 + "FileDistributionInformation" : [ {
91 + "Media" : [ "Online", "CD-ROM" ],
92 + "AverageFileSize" : 1,
93 + "Fees" : "US $1.00 per CD-ROM",
94 + "Format" : "netCDF-4",
95 + "AverageFileSizeUnit" : "MB",
96 + "FormatType" : "Supported",
97 + "TotalCollectionFileSizeUnit" : "MB",
98 + "Description" : "These files are available on line or CD-ROMS can be ordered for a fee.",
99 + "TotalCollectionFileSize" : 365,
100 + "FormatDescription" : "An acsii file also exists."
101 + }, {
102 + "Media" : [ "Online" ],
103 + "AverageFileSize" : 1.5,
104 + "Format" : "netCDF-5",
105 + "AverageFileSizeUnit" : "MB",
106 + "FormatType" : "Supported",
107 + "TotalCollectionFileSizeUnit" : "MB",
108 + "Description" : "These files may take longer to download as they are only available on demand.",
109 + "TotalCollectionFileSize" : 548,
110 + "FormatDescription" : "An acsii file also exists."
111 + } ]
112 + },
113 + "RelatedUrls" : [ {
114 + "URLContentType" : "PublicationURL",
116 + "URL" : "",
117 + "Description" : "quality documentation"
118 + },{
119 + "Description" : "Testing Related url GET DATA translations",
120 + "URLContentType" : "DistributionURL",
121 + "Type" : "GET DATA",
122 + "URL" : "",
123 + "GetData" : {
124 + "Format" : "ascii",
125 + "MimeType" : "text/html",
126 + "Size" : 10,
127 + "Unit" : "MB",
128 + "Fees" : "fees",
129 + "Checksum" : "12345"
130 + }}],
131 +
132 + "AssociatedDOIs": [
133 + {
134 + "DOI": "10.5067/fake.record.02",
135 + "Type": "Related Dataset"
136 + },
137 + {
138 + "DOI": "10.5067/fake.record.03",
139 + "Type": "Other",
140 + "DescriptionOfOtherType": "ECSE-1474 addition to describe Other DOI"
141 + },
142 + {
143 + "DOI": "10.5067/fake.record.04",
144 + "Type": "IsPreviousVersionOf"
145 + },
146 + {
147 + "DOI": "10.5067/fake.record.05",
148 + "Type": "IsNewVersionOf"
149 + }
150 + ],
151 + "DataMaturity": "Validated",
152 + "FileNamingConvention": {
153 + "Convention": "",
154 + "Description": "ECSE-1474 addition to describe convention"
155 + },
156 + "OtherIdentifiers": [ {
157 + "Identifier" : "ECSE-1475-Internal",
158 + "Type" : "Other",
159 + "DescriptionOfOtherType" : "Jira number"
160 + }, {
161 + "Identifier" : "ECSE-1475-Internal",
162 + "Type" : "ArchiveSetsNumber"
163 + } ]
164 +}

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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