LP DAAC Data User Resources
  1. LP DAAC Data User Resources


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Mahsa JamiMahsa Jami
7adc83115bfremoved the outdated content
Mahsa JamiErik BolchMahsa Jami
c67d5352c0fMPull request #9: added banner to direct users to GitHubMerge in LPDUR/gedi-subsetter from banner to main * commit 'cdfd52aa8ba5ba3a636fa4bab895a5dea52572af': added banner to direct users to GitHub
Mahsa JamiMahsa Jami
cdfd52aa8baadded banner to direct users to GitHub
Mahsa JamiMahsa Jami
a261ade577bMPull request #8: resolved the CRS issue and Updated the env creationMerge in LPDUR/gedi-subsetter from CRS-Issue to main * commit '04394c883984c58af59043f7e90f41fc2803862f': Upadted the CHANGELOG.md Updated the script to ignore the warnings fixed a bug resolved the CRS issue and Updated the env creation
Mahsa JamiMahsa Jami
04394c88398Upadted the CHANGELOG.md
Mahsa JamiMahsa Jami
843194039c7Updated the script to ignore the warnings
Mahsa JamiMahsa Jami
8d0aa2c3d50fixed a bug
Mahsa JamiMahsa Jami
7911ed761a3resolved the CRS issue and Updated the env creation
Aaron FrieszAaron Friesz
5d177bae78dMPull request #4: Added support for GEDI Version 2 L1B-L2A-L2B productsMerge in LPDUR/gedi-subsetter from develop to master * commit 'b3d81422e7bf27a09900fb946280b5014237adf2': Added support for GEDI Version 2 L1B-L2A-L2B products
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
b3d81422e7bAdded support for GEDI Version 2 L1B-L2A-L2B products
Aaron FrieszAaron Friesz
91a44bef76fMMerge pull request #3 in LPDUR/gedi-subsetter from develop to master* commit 'f6335a4024d14d42428d50314543cc4d94fa44e3': Fixed indexing bug
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
f6335a4024dFixed indexing bug
Aaron FrieszAaron Friesz
643fa5a6a56MMerge pull request #2 in LPDUR/gedi-subsetter from develop to master* commit '8439e6548090e7bc90e5661b66eeef1fcb24af72': Fixed bug where shots intersect bbox but not ROI
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
8439e654809Fixed bug where shots intersect bbox but not ROI
Aaron FrieszAaron Friesz
9f2e3c2920eMMerge pull request #1 in LPDUR/gedi-subsetter from develop to master* commit '3e20f99a81c3052c26e99d9c8b0212ff85d99d2a': Added ability to use .shp as input ROI
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
3e20f99a81cAdded ability to use .shp as input ROI
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
7bec2254fa3Updated code to handle GEDI files where only certain beams intersect ROI
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
a9d02a2dd1eUpdated directory/filename splitting per code review
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
72e1a4f5d4fUpdated subsetting for pgap_theta_z
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
b64466f6e6eUpdated README and script with default SDS layers to subset
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
97dda5d664fUpdated README
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
e2266e1e4edUpdated README
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
80083383f74Added functionality to clip output geojson to exact ROI boundaries (vs.envelope)
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
f61729a37e5Fixed clipping to GeoJSON indexing issue
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
f0b0930101cCleaned Code Formatting
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
37885343bf5Updated README
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
f24ad87172cUpdated README and added example GeoJSON file
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
bcc3345390dUpdated README
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
71c3ed0c4bfInitial Commit