LP DAAC Data User Resources
  1. LP DAAC Data User Resources


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Mahsa JamiMahsa Jami
0af8fedc4c9Remove the outdated content
Mahsa JamiErik BolchMahsa Jami
6a3a5dec23cMPull request #2: added banner to direct users to GitHubMerge in LPDUR/hls-bulk-download from banner to main * commit 'cd8382ed03cc472025f7a756cb5abc02a64c724c': added banner to direct users to GitHub
Mahsa JamiMahsa Jami
cd8382ed03cadded banner to direct users to GitHub
Mahsa JamiAaron FrieszMahsa Jami
c14f5d9efbfMPull request #1: Updated the getHLS.shMerge in LPDUR/hls-bulk-download from fixAbug to main * commit '63e0cf28bbf0c2efcf4559cfbe995932c6bd846a': Updated the getHLS.sh
Mahsa JamiMahsa Jami
63e0cf28bbfUpdated the getHLS.sh
Aaron FrieszAaron Friesz
971280e0535add changelog.md
Aaron FrieszAaron Friesz
71067be0148added changelog.md
Aaron FrieszAaron Friesz
2dd793e744aChange concept id query to HLS v2.0.was querying for v1.5
Aaron FrieszAaron Friesz
8b39550c239changed 0 (number) to O (letter) in Windows OS
Aaron FrieszAaron Friesz
b718296a548changed tmp.tileid.txt to space seperated with no new lines; updated Readme -> moved disclaimer to the beginning of the requirements section, added excerpt about the tmp.tileid.txt being space seperated
Aaron FrieszAaron Friesz
8c2353800b3"add Download and Clone section to readme; readme edits"
Aaron FrieszAaron Friesz
11105949066add README.md, getHLS.sh bash script, and example tile ID file