LP DAAC Data User Resources
  1. LP DAAC Data User Resources

AppEEARS API Getting Started

AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Mahsa JamiErik BolchMahsa Jami
b7191dff3a9MPull request #3: added banner to direct users to GitHubMerge in LPDUR/appeears-api-getting-started from banner to main * commit 'd68a23d6115d903db23ea6e66fb8a64570fb8a52': added banner to direct users to GitHub
Mahsa JamiMahsa Jami
d68a23d6115added banner to direct users to GitHub
Mahsa JamiAaron FrieszMahsa Jami
19ceb903d2fMPull request #2: Added the updated HTMLsMerge in LPDUR/appeears-api-getting-started from updated_htmls to main * commit '7fc661cd936a20cbf9e9bfe08110697acba4eb59': Added the updated HTMLs
Mahsa JamiMahsa Jami
7fc661cd936Added the updated HTMLs
Mahsa JamiAaron FrieszMahsa Jami
24c45d8c44aMPull request #1: The scripts are updated to work after AppEEARS migration to the cloudMerge in LPDUR/appeears-api-getting-started from Update to main * commit '7c7a7bb387a66907afc01c8e8cc336a2e7969c3b': The scripts are updated to work after AppEEARS migration to the cloud
Mahsa JamiMahsa Jami
7c7a7bb387aThe scripts are updated to work after AppEEARS migration to the cloud
ee99e26bbfdFixed broken link in README
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
f64abca248aUpdated SRTM layer name
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
863bc0d085bRemoved matplotlib warning
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
6cd503e3cd2Refreshed tutorials and updated new SRTM product name
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
0c79582023cRemoved instructions on enabling API Access (no longer required)
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
6a3f55abb25MMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.earthdata.nasa.gov:7999/lpdur/appeears-api-getting-started
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
31793160978Removed instructions on enabling API Access (no longer required)
Aaron FrieszAaron Friesz
35c115b64fdAdd new notebook
4282be4d567Updated broken links to AppEEARS help documentation images
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
5820564f911Added README file
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
3e887aa42f1Second Commit
Cole KrehbielCole Krehbiel
39582f612bfInitial Commit